This music updating blog is a swift music: audio and video website that operates and gives the best and latest songs, we are dependable in updating your playlist as the latest music in Nigeria emerges and probably songs all over the world! We hopefully sure we keep on to giving you satisfactory posts and receive positive comments from the site users. We’re always on Twitter, on Facebook and our mail address you can forward your complaints to is This site is almost based on Nigerian of all species, tribes, nationality and generation. It embodies the era in which it has been created: dynamic, informative, controversial, entertaining.

Right now we offer hiphop, fuji, advertising and promoting music and videos for upcoming artistes, and several other musical related cool features to the community. Basically, posting music to the audience is the primary aim and objective of this platform, and more interesting facts and features of the site includes:

1.Independent posting of just released songs in Nigeria, be it video or audio and all other forms of songs not necessarily only hiphop.

2. Our actions include gathering information from all the available sources, broadcast it and explain it in a really simple way. Thus, we provide high quality, reliable and affordable products related to all different form of people's livelihood.

3.Of All the songs seen on our platform. None shall never be one sided and biased, Though the site is not liable for the readers' opinion and point of view, but, at the same time we reserve the right to post songs of alternative and different beliefs, so far they are not considered to be propaganda, and do not promote violence, and enmity.

4. We always give credit(s) to the initial source of our information and makes a clear reference to it, when necessary


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